Wednesday, July 30, 2008

[Diskusi HRD Forum] user certification workshop 3P - Positive Personality Profile

HRD Forum One Day Workshop
user certification workshop
3P - Positive Personality Profile
Different Personalities for Different Jobs
7 Agustus 2008, Hotel Aston Atrium

CD Bonus
Get one free 3P Software Analysis Software (unlimited version)

Featuring the Positive Personality Profile :
·          Reduce costly TURNOVER.
·          MATCH people to the RIGHT JOBS.
·          Reduce STRESS and CONFLICTS.

A.  Overview
REDUCE EMPLOYEE TURNOVER. The 3P Positive Personality Profile is a personality test / assessment / evaluation. It is designed to help employers match people to the right jobs. It is not a psychology test, as it is positive in nature and does not "pull skeletons out of the closet". This makes it ideal for use in the human resource environment. Rather than discouraging use, this program's positive nature actually
makes people eager to see their own results.

Each job has its own specific "work personality"... the traits that will cause a person to naturally like or dislike the job. Would you want to put an energetic, outgoing, people-oriented person behind a bookkeeping desk eight hours a day? Matching people to the right job promotes
happier, contented and productive employees. If the personality of the employee does not match the work personality of the job... then that employee will likely be discontented, unfulfilled and stressed. Stress is a major cause of $turnover and $health expenses.

The concept of personality management is a simple one: would you place an outgoing, self-motivated person behind a bookkeeping desk eight hours a day? Obviously not. That person would quickly become demotivated, unhappy and eventually, would most likely quit or be fired. Turnover is very expensive, costing a minimum of $2,500 every time an employee is lost. This is calculated in unemployment insurance and fees, advertising for a replacement, interview process, lost production, re-training and more.
If you can eliminate even ONE TURNOVER per year, the 3P Positive Personality Profile will more than pay for itself.  We are certain you will join the people who have found this program to be "amazingly accurate".

The 3P Positive Personality Profile designed to significantly reduce employee turnover by matching employees with jobs that match their basic personalities. If you can eliminate even ONE turnover this year, 3P will have paid for itself many times over!

3P  helps you save money in several ways:
.* Significant reduction in employee turnover
.* Reduction in job-related stress and health problems -- $$$
.* Reduction in absence and tardiness
.* Improved productivity
.* Increased quality of production
.* Improved communications within the work environment
.* Reduced friction among employees and management
.* Improved management / employee interaction
.* Reduction in costly errors
.* Increased job satisfaction
.* Bottom-line savings in the interviewing, hiring and employee maintenance processes!

B.  What's 3P (Positive Personality Profilling)

How does a personality profile differ from a personality test or psychology testing?

"A personality profile simply states what is there, preferably in positive terms,"
"Psychology testing or personality testing both have something in common-- they come across as testing. No one likes taking tests. But almost everyone is interested in learning more about themselves. Face it, for almost all people, we are our favorite subjects."

Speed and Accuracy of 3P

The Positive Personality Profile has two things going for it: it is very accurate, and very fast.  It doesn't take an hour or more to perform a personality profile; it takes about five minutes. And in the 20 years it has been on the market, our clients have consistently rated it to have
an accuracy in the 98th percentile range or better. This is amazing in a field where a standard personality profile scores in the 50th to 70th range. The accuracy makes 3P a valuable tool in employee management. If even one employee turnover is saved per year, 3P has paid for itself more than five times over. How can a business lose with figures like that?"

Workshop outline :
08.00 – 10.00       The Basic Concept of 3P: Methodology and basic theory
10.00 – 10.15       Coffee break
10.15 – 12.00       Try out : Using 3P Software Analysis (one to one case study)
12.00 – 13.00       Lunch
13.00 – 15.00       Using 3P for Job Matching Process & Personnel Audit
15.00 – 15.15       Coffee break
15.15 – 17.00       Using 3P for Coaching and Counselling
17.00 – 18.00       Certification Process (multiple choice exams)

Investment :
Rp. 3.000.000 per participant
including tuition fee, workshop material, meals. One participant get one free 3P Software Analysis Software (unlimited version).
Hotel Aston Atrium
Jl. Senen Raya No. 135 Jakarta Pusat
8.00 s/d 18.00 WIB 
7 Agustus 2008

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Pendaftaran Via SMS : 0815 1049 0007; 087 88 1000 100
(Nama, Perusahaan, 3P - Positive Personality Profile)

Formulir Pendaftaran :
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Company              : ..........................................................
Alamat                 : ..........................................................
Telp/HP                : ..........................................................
Email                   : ..........................................................
Tanggal Transfer   : ..........................................................
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