Monday, January 10, 2011

[Hukum-Online] Masalah dng modernisasi dan teknologi? Scary - Must Read Especially Parents]


Pak Nas... sepertinya ngak nyambung pak...

ketika sebelum 9/11 sebelum pergantian millenium sebelum 2001... travelling sangat nyaman..... mau ke AS , ke Eropa atau Singapura sama seperti ke Surabaya.... lewat imigrasinya...

namun setelah 9/11...semua diperiksa... kalau ke AS... sepatu copot... jas copot...sabuk copot.... kalau kena random check...bawa notebook diminta menyalakan... karena paranaoid... siapa tahu ada bom...

bawa cairan kaga boleh... aqua, perfum dibuang... lucunya kalau beli di dutyshop is OK :-)

sepertinya negara hegemoni AS membawa seluruh dunia yang damai menjadi dunia yang saling ketakutan... karena semua jadi teroris...apalagi dari negara negara yg dicurigai...

sepertinya teknologi dan politik hegemoni AS membuat dunia saling curiga dan takut... sebelumnya tidak terlalu paranoid...meskipun perang dingin dan ancaman nuklir...

gimana dimasa mendatang... anak cucu ketika dunia semakin kapitalis dan jumlah manusia semakin banyak....  indonesia tahun ini sudah tembus 230 juta ?

salam, rr  - apw/ mastel ukm


--- On Mon, 1/10/11, Naswil Idris <> wrote:

From: Naswil Idris <>
Subject: [APWarnet] Re: masalah dng modernisasi dan teknologi?[Telematika] Scary - Must Read Especially Parents]
Date: Monday, January 10, 2011, 5:47 PM


Habis semua sekolah2 dan Universitas2 berlabel INTERNATIONAL, tapi Gedung2 nya, Kurikulumnya, Guru/Dosen2nya, ICTnya,WCnya  semua kelas Kampungan/Deso.....

From: "" <>
Sent: Mon, January 10, 2011 11:51:10 AM
Subject: [APWarnet] masalah dng modernisasi dan teknologi?[Telematika] Scary - Must Read Especially Parents]


Friends... :-)
Kasihan anak cucu kita... kok hidup di era yang semakin complicated and dangerous...

negara AS... paranoid sama teroris... kita orang tua jadi paranoid sama stranger... di TV ada cerita mengenai sindikat penculik anak... caranya cari dari internet ?

weleh weleh...

jaman kita masih SD... kok enak... bisa bebas main layang layang... bersepeda... keluar kota... jalan jalan... aman... sekarang kok jadi paranoid semua yah... ????

apakah jaman sudah berubah... manusia kehilangan tata nilai kah...? atau modernisasi membuat manusia takut sama manusia lain yg tidak kita kenal... stranger... ?

sisi negatif dari kemajuan teknologi (TIK), internet, digital divide... dan sosial networking kah ? sisi negatif modernisasi dan progress and development ?

gimana my friends... salam, rr - apw/ mastel ukm

--- On Mon, 1/10/11, Arnold Djiwatampu <> wrote:
From: Arnold Djiwatampu <>
Subject: [Telematika] [Fwd: FW: Scary - Must Read Especially Parents]
To: "FKBWI" <>, "IndoWLI" <>, "Mastel Anggota" <>, "Telematika" <>, "Pokja KI" <>, "Spectrum INS" <>, "Standar Telekom" <>, "IEEE Indonesia Section Officer" <>, "IEEE Indonesia Section Officer" <>
Date: Monday, January 10, 2011, 10:29 AM

Dari sekian banyak anak atau orangtua ada sekian persen yang telah membaca cerita detektif, tentunya dengan menyalah-gunakan menggunakan TIK, di bawah ini.

Lebih baik dianggap cerewet daripada sungguh terjadi terhadap salah seorang yang kita kasihi, teman, sesama.

Pra-sekolah (pre-school)  tempat cucu kedua saya menjadi murid, amat sangat ketat terhadap mereka yang menjemput murid-murid mereka. Sekolah "Kinderfield" mengeluarkan kartu khusus bagi penjemput yang harus ditaruh di mobil mereka atau dibawa untuk menjemput. Kalau gurunya sudah kenal dengan ibu, sanak keluarga atau sopir yang menjemput, barulah mereka melonggarkan dan tidak meminta tanda-bukti. Bahkan murid tidak boleh keluar kelas atau berada di serambi tunggu depan (yang tertutup juga) untuk menunggu yang menjemput. Baru setelah yakin bahwa sang penjemput benar, barulah anak boleh keluar masuk serambi. Demikian ketatnya. Coba andaikata ada yang jemput, biarpun perempuan secantik dan seanggun apapun, dan berhasil menculik anak, apakah tidak akan celaka sekolah dan orangtuanya.

Sungguh menarik cerita di bawah ini, dan peringatannya adalah dapat terjadi pada siapapun.
Jadi mereka yang sayang anak dan cucu, apalagi kalau lucu-lucu, ini suatu bacaan "wajib".


Subject: FW: Scary - Must Read Especially Parents
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 21:25:52 +0100
From: Sally T.


Subject: Fw: Scary - Must Read Especially Parents

It could happen anywhere, any place in this world. Not only in the States.

Sent: Mon, June 7, 2010 3:05:12 PM
Subject: Fwd: Scary - Must Read Especially Parents

      PLEASE READ!!!!!! Scary!!!!
MYSPACE:  A Must Read for All  Kids are so innocent and naive, and won't understand the danger until it is too late.
After tossing her books on the sofa, she decided to grab a snack and get on-line.. She logged on under her screen name ByAngel213. She checked her Buddy List and saw GoTo123 was on. She sent him an instant message:

Hi. I'm glad you are on! I thought someone was following me home today. It was really weird!

LOL You watch too much TV. Why would someone be following you? Don't you live in a safe neighborhood?

Of course I do. LOL I guess it was my imagination cuz' I didn't see anybody when I looked out.

Unless you gave your name out on-line. You haven't done that have you?

Of course not. I'm not stupid you know.

Did you have a softball game after school today?

Yes, and we won!!

That's great! Who did you play?

We played the Hornets. LOL. Their uniforms are so gross! They look like bees. LOL

What is your team called?

We are the Canton Cats. We have tiger paws on our uniforms. They are really cool.

Did you pitch?

No, I play second base. I got to go. My homework has to be done before my parents get home. I don't want them mad at me. Bye!

Catch you later. Bye

Meanwhile, GoTo123 went to the member menu and began to search for her profile. When it came up, he highlighted it and printed it out. He took out a pen and began to write down what he knew about Angel so far.

Her name: Shannon
Birthday: Jan. 3, 1985
Age: 13
State where she lived: North Carolina

Hobbies: softball, chorus, skating and going to the mall. Besides this information, he knew she lived in Canton because she had just told him. He knew she stayed by herself until 6:30 p.m. every afternoon until her parents came home from work. He knew she played softball on Thursday afternoons on the school team, and the team was named the Canton Cats. Her favorite number 7 was printed on her jersey. He knew she was in the eighth grade at the Canton Junior High School . She had told him all this in the conversations they had on- line. He had enough information to find her now.

Shannon didn't tell her parents about the incident on the way home from the ballpark that day. She didn't want them to make a scene and stop her from walking home from the softball games. Parents were always overreacting and hers were the worst. It made her wish she was not an only child. Maybe if she had brothers and sisters, her parents wouldn't be so overprotective.

By Thursday, Shannon had forgotten about the footsteps following her.

Her game was in full swing when suddenly she felt someone staring at her. It was then that the memory came back. She glanced up from her second base position to see a man watching her closely.

He was leaning against the fence behind first base and he smiled when she looked at him. He didn't look scary and she quickly dismissed the sudden fear she had felt.

After the game, he sat on a bleacher while she talked to the coach. She noticed his smile once again as she walked past him. He nodded and she smiled back. He noticed her name on the back of her shirt. He knew he had found her.

Quietly, he walked a safe distance behind her. It was only a few blocks to Shannon 's home, and once he saw where she lived he quickly returned to the park to get his car.

Now he had to wait. He decided to get a bite to eat until the time came to go to Shannon 's house. He drove to a fast food restaurant and sat there until time to make his move.

Shannon was in her room later that evening when she heard voices in the living room.

"Shannon, come here,"
her father called.. He sounded upset and she couldn't imagine why. She went into the room to see the man from the ballpark sitting on the sofa.

"Sit down,"
her father began, "this man has just told us a most interesting story about you."

Shannon sat back. How could he tell her parents anything? She had never seen him before today!

"Do you know who I am, Shannon ?"
the man asked..

Shannon answered.

"I am a police officer and your online friend, GoTo123."

Shannon was stunned.
"That's impossible! GoTo123 is a kid my age! He's 14. And he lives in Michigan !"

The man smiled.
"I know I told you all that, but it wasn't true. You see, Shannon , there are people on-line who pretend to be kids; I was one of them. But while others do it to injure kids and hurt them, I belong to a group of parents who do it to protect kids from predators. I came here to find you to teach you how dangerous it is to talk to people on-line. You told me enough about yourself to make it easy for me to find you. You named the school you went to, the name of your ball team and the position you played. The number and name on your jersey just made finding you a breeze."

Shannon was stunned.
"You mean you don't live in Michigan ?"

He laughed.
"No, I live in Raleigh. It made you feel safe to think I was so far away, didn't it?"

She nodded.

"I had a friend whose daughter was like you. Only she wasn't as lucky. The guy found her and murdered her while she was home alone. Kids are taught not to tell anyone when they are alone, yet they do it all the time on-line. The wrong people trick you into giving out information a little here and there on-line. Before you know it, you have told them enough for them to find you without even realizing you have done it. I hope you've learned a lesson from this and won't do it again. Tell others about this so they will be safe too?"

"It's a promise!"

That night Shannon and her Dad and Mom thanked God for protecting Shannon from what could have been a tragic situation.



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